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Main page For Investors and Shareholders For Insiders Information section Information about the closed period for operations with financial instruments performed by insiders
Information about the closed period for operations with financial instruments performed by insiders

Pursuant to clause 6.2. of the Standard of Rosneft “Internal control rules for the prevention, detection and suppression of illegal use of insider information in Rosneft and (or) market manipulation” for the purposes of excluding the risk of recognizing an operation with financial instruments a non-standard transaction, insiders and associated persons need to be guided by the following rules:

Subclause 6.2.1. When disclosing consolidated financial statements (CFS) prepared in accordance with the IFRS (annual audited and interim non-audited statements):

  • to perform operations with Rosneft’s financial instruments during an open period, determined as the period from the date following the date of disclosure of consolidated financial statements, prepared in accordance with the IFRS (annual audited and interim non-audited statements) till the 14th calendar day of the first month of the quarter following the quarter in which the consolidated financial statements were disclosed;
  • to effect sale of financial instruments of Rosneft in the period following 30 calendar days from the day of purchase.

Subclause 6.2.2. When restricting the disclosure of CFS based on the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, do not perform operations with financial instruments of Rosneft during the closed period, defined as the period:

  • from the 15th calendar day of the first month of the calendar year until the expiration of 120 calendar days after the end of the previous calendar year;
  • from the 15th calendar day of the first month of the quarter until the expiration of 60 calendar days after the end of the quarter for which the CFS was not disclosed;
  • during 30 calendar days from the date of the transaction by an insider and (or) related persons with financial instruments of Rosneft in their own interests, during which the insiders and related persons must refrain from performing contrary operations in relation to these transactions.

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